Children Are Our Next Problem Solvers

Children are our next problem solvers, therefore we need to make sure they have the tools to succeed today. Experts say children need to be encouraged being creative in order to have the proper skills and abilities to be successful in the future.

For that reason, we need creative thinkers to deal with abstract ideas that arise in solving world issues. We need flexibility, diversity, and to be able to adjust to the newest technology.

Today’s young children need to be ready for challenges, to invent new ideas, because they are our next problem solvers. Parents can help nurture creativity in their children like building with blocks, reading a book, playing in a water or sand table, or even making an art project.

Nurturing Creativity

Parents can assess what kind of creative activity their child enjoys, then give them the materials and encouragement they need to explore. They should encourage the child to try to solve any problems they may encounter themselves, while staying near to ask questions about the project, such as:

  • What is your plan?
  • How does it work?
  • What if you added this?
  • What would happen if…?
  • Why do you need this?
  • How can you solve this problem?
  • How can I help?

Growing up I loved to create and make art projects. Anything from watercolor painting to paper crafts. As I grew older, I enjoyed ceramics and crocheting.

My mother encouraged my creativity by letting me have access to materials at a young age.  I remember being 4 or 5 years old looking in a cupboard for my paints, paint brushes and water cup. I was so happy when I created my art projects.

Giving children materials to creating something is crucial to development. It is important that we educate our children to be creative and inventive. After all, they will be our leaders in the future, and we should prepare them now.

You can access more playful learning at home that may interest your child by visiting the Discovery Center Museum website.

Children are our next problem solvers
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