Going Back To School

Going Back To School

Being from Michigan, September and Labor Day means going back to school. During a normal year, the children would be taking their last vacation with family, then heading back into the classroom. This year like last will be anything but normal though. Instead of all the children going into the building, school will come to some of the students.

I am an early childhood teacher for Troy Preschool. I will be teaching three and four year old children in the class room. Districts are giving the parents two options, learning in the classroom with just 10 students per teacher, or learning remotely from home. Both options will be wonderful for the children. As it is a matter of choice for parents in doing what is right for their family.

Read Every Day

I read to the children every day in my classroom. That is one of the most important things a teacher, parent or care giver can do for a young child. It is so wonderful for me seeing children’s face light up when I read them stories or my own children’s book Follow Breza to Preschool. The main character in my book is a lovable Zebra named Breza that the children can relate to.

The children hear the story of how Breza woke up in the morning on her first day of preschool. She got ready and her mother drove her. Then she kissed her mom good bye and met her teacher. Breza found out that it was fun as she met some new friends, had a snack and played. She even got to play outside on the playground. Hearing Breza’s story helps to put children’s mind at ease because they know they can do the same.

Now is the perfect time to pick up a copy of my book Follow Breza to Preschool if you have young ones going to school for the first time or learning remotely. Pick up a copy of my book for them and then pick up something nice for yourself too. Reading is fun and it’s never too early or late to start.

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